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  • Writer's pictureStanford Lake College

Get To Know The Class of 2021: Warwick Melville

Head of Founders South 2021

What are your hopes for Stanford Lake College as you lead the school in the year ahead?

I hope to bring pride and unity back into the hostel. I would like to get the boys of Founders South to build a love for their boarding house and wish to be part of it for their whole Stanford career.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest achievement is playing first team rugby, soccer and hockey for my school by Grade 11.

Share a memorable moment during your time at Stanford Lake College…

The most memorable moment in my Stanford career was being able to get the amazing opportunity to go to Australia on exchange. It really helped me develop into the person I am today.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include playing a variety of sports or just spending time with friends and family

If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

I would share a meal with Barack Obama, Pop Smoke, Mac Miller and my father.

What’s your favourite movie?

I wouldn’t say I have a favourite movie per se, but I think one of my favourite series is Chasing the Sun.

What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?

I think the most daring thing I’ve ever done would be going to Australia on exchange as I had never travelled by myself before and it was to a new country.

If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?

I would be an Eagle just because I find them very interesting creatures.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I would like to see myself owning my own companies as well as an owner of a charity organisation because I believe it’s very important to give back to the community.

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